imagine the power of...
approachable creative writing
simple art-making
It's time to...
navigate change
discover clarity
welcome confidence
“Oh, crap, I can do this!”
Established in 2015, RobinLK Studios happened by accident when founder Robin Le Roy-Kyle lost her writing voice. Struggling with her youngest sister's breast cancer diagnosis, Robin, a writing instructor for 20+ years, faced — for the first time — what her students and workshop participants faced... looking for words and coming up empty.
Blank spaces overwhelmed her. Nagging, screaming voices rattled her. Afraid and angry, she began searching for coping tools.
Enter mixed-media art. Mark-making. Tearing tiny bits of paper and gluing them for strength. Painting and doodling. Stitching and stapling.
Color and creativity became the bridge between struggling and thriving. Words slowly returned.
Today, through the Studios, Robin helps adults and teens (re)discover the joy of wordplay and writing. You will figure out what you need, how to create it, and take care of yourself. We navigate life's curveballs and challenges and focus on self-care, mental health, and a growth mindset.
Welcome change & uncertainty with purpose, strategy, and fun. You'll be amazed at the outcomes.
Create what you need.
Found Words
Imagine giving your inner thoughts a voice. (It may be things we don't want others to hear/see. That's okay!) Imagine exploring what's happening in your head and discovering things you didn't know were bubbling below the surface. (Or, maybe you did but wanted to keep them quiet.) I hear you. Me, too. But it's not healthy— for either of us!
Here's the thing— no one EVER has to see what comes out of your head and hear. e.v.e.r.