Underpainting in Art & Writing, 2023
Fact: Underpainting Adds Depth Is underpainting part of your art process? While many contemporary artists use this technique, underpainting was the ‘standard’ among the masters. Underpainting is defined as the first coat of paint, especially the initial painting on a canvas. The major areas, tones, colors, and forms are indicated in mass.…
When I Grow Up, I’ll be a Writer
“To make this world a whole lot brighter when I grow up I’ll be a writer.” – Lee Bennett Hopkins – Been to Yesterdays: Poems of a Life When I grow up I’ll be a … When you were a kiddo, what/who did you want to do or be? Are…
Purging is Necessary for Clarity
Some say purging is necessary for clarity. Do you agree? We’re not talking about food here, friend. This is about ‘stuff’ that creeps in, fills your spaces, and zaps your creative energy. Some say purging for clarity is necessary. Do you agree? Do you purge? Or… do you let things…