Enchanting Details, Often Overlooked…
Details in Art, Writing, and Life Do you ever notice details in something you’ve seen many times, but one day you notice something… different? The details seem fresh, new…. enchanting, really. And you wonder: How did I miss them until now? As a writer, I’m pretty tuned in to details.…
A Mixed-Media Face in 18 Ingredients
I was recently asked during a Mixed-Media Faces How-to virtual workshop, “Okay, so we made a basic face with our pencil, but how do we make it ‘mixed media’?” Great question! Answer: Add everything you want and then a bit more… Really! And so we did. From floral repurposed paper…
Drawing Them Out: Faces Reveal Artist’s Growth
As 2018 unfolds, I’ve been reflecting on my creative journey. What began as art discovery (a form of therapy, if you will) during a difficult time in my life – personally and professionally – has developed into a way of living that is as necessary to me as breathing and…