Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge {April 30}

So, it’s Friday evening and I’m just now getting to finish my post for this week’s Thursday black and white photo challenge over on Cee’s photography blog . It’s been one of those weeks. You know the kind. Ugh. But Friday is here and I’m actually sitting at the computer for a few minutes….

This week’s Thursday b & w challenge asks us to share signs – road signs, buildings, fences, you name it…  Okay, here we go!

An admitted ‘picture-snapping driver,’ all sorts of ideas came to my mind, but so did three specific shots taken in very different locations, each sign useful to the intended reader, but two of the three also lending themselves to quirky interpretation [enter The Hubs and me!]. (And none of them while driving) 🙂

We love to travel whenever we can (and when we’ve saved enough $$!). I was so excited to show The Hubs one of my favorite cities, Chicago, a few summers ago. With nearly two weeks to play, we visited, toured, shopped, ate, and took over 1,000 pictures. The Windy City holds a special place in my heart. Its architecture, culture, history, food, diversity … all speak to my fancy.

Indie bookstore- sign in window
I try to shop locally as often as possible, and especially when we travel. Unabridged Bookstore did not disappoint! Worth a visit when in Chi-Town.


Box Office Black and White Sign
Such a regal sign to tell us where to get boxes!

Really, this lovely sign is in the historic Chicago Theatre.  From one floor to the next, the Chicago Theatre is a masterpiece and should be on everyone’s Must See list when visiting the Windy City. Tours are available nearly every day of the year, I believe.

Far from Chicago, but definitely quirky, is this week’s third black and white submission.  Who knew you could swap out children!? For what?  A new sports car? A new truck? A Harley?  A puppy or kitten?  If we’d known it was THAT easy, we might have had a whole bunch of them….

Just kidding. Really.   😉


Child Swap Sign
A parent’s dream from time to time? We got a kick out of this sign.


So there you have it – three signs to get you smiling this week. Have a great weekend!