Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge {June 11}

Time to answer another Black & White Challenge over at Cee’s photography blog!

This week, Cee says, “Anything goes… pick your topic.”  My photo topics run the spectrum…. from a recent road trip to life in the studio and a personal message to keep me focused.

My husband would tell you I’m not the best car rider. In fact, toddlers are probably better behaved in the car.  I get bored really fast when I have to sit still. Thank goodness for mobile devices! My iPhone became my camera on a recent road trip. When we travel in his car, we are definitely ‘flying low.”  🙂


Photo Collage from the Car
Flying Low…


One of my favorite ways to write is to find words in books, magazines, newspapers – to use as jumping-off points – and create stories, poems, ideas … Now, I embed those found words into nearly all of my artwork. Inspiring, thought-provoking, silly, serious, heartfelt, happy, not-so-happy … you name it.  Words and images tell the stories.

Black and white photo of words on book pages
Found words… an important part of my creative process.


Word Boxes in black and white photo
Artful Words …. Inspiration


Mermaid Secrets is a special piece of mixed media art I created for our middle sister – a surprise gift ‘just because.’  (Hope she doesn’t read this blog post!)  Striking in color (shades of aqua, cream, and fiery red – you can see her in my What’s Happening in the Studios gallery on the home page) and dramatic in black and white, Mermaid Secrets was created with ink, acrylics, water colors, found text, and found objects, including shells from our recent visit to Sanibel Island, Florida. Ms. Mermaid’s tail is made of crushed rough pen shells  that are deep purple on the inside.  The shells beside her are tiny creatures from Sanibel’s beautiful beaches.

black and white image of a mermaid
Mermaid Secrets… mixed media art

Life is about seeing the details….

Black frame glasses around the word "Life" - black and white photo
Life, Magnified

My favorite tattoo – yes, I’m an educator and veteran with ink…. (breaking stereotypes and rules!)  … is a personal message to myself and those who need it most. My high school students were fascinated when I first got it…”Mrs. Kyle, what did you write on yourself this time?!”  (I’m known to write small initials on my left hand, near my thumb as visual reminders)…. Were the kiddos ever surprised (and pleased!) to find it’s permanent!  The font is a nod to my love for writing.

Tattoo on a wrist, black and white photo


Thanks, Cee, for another fun photo challenge!