On Snail Mail and the World Wide Web….

It’s good to be back, writing. Here. It’s been another busy year, full of color and words, sometimes colorful words. 🙂 I’ve been writing, but most of it tucked into my art – sometimes visible, sometimes not….  

But it’s good to be back. Here. On the blog. Navigating through the WP dashboard. On the World Wide Web. That’s funny to say… Is it funny to read? We are so removed from that term that it sounds almost archaic. Ha! 1997 (first signs of the www spilling across media at a lightning pace) is archaic? Phew! Where did the time go? 20 years…. But I digress….

The Internet – familiar territory with no idea who may read the words on the other side. I think part of my rejoining the online writing community this week is because I’ve been talking with folks recently about writing, specifically blogging. So here I am, back at the keyboard, clickity-clacking away. Behind me is the studio table, mostly cleaned up from recent art projects…  the remaining holiday cards finished today – custom orders sent last week – friends and family going in the mail this week.  

Envelopes with festive drawings for the holidays
Snail Mail from RobinLK Studios

Snail Mail. I love it. Decorated snail mail. Even better. Isn’t it fun to receive something fun, funky, creatively inspiring in the mail? Beats the heck out of Junk Mail. Right?!? Has a different feel than electronic mail, too…. more personal. Someone took the time to select the mailing materials, assemble them, address them, (and if you’re lucky) adorn the mailing materials with something that says, “Hey! You’ve got FUN mail!” Makes me smile just thinking about it…. Honestly, I revel in sending snail mail…. I smile as I think of the receiver’s face – hopefully, genuine surprise. 🙂  Makes my day! 

Until next time…  
