She has cancer.
September 30, 2014. The phone call. We heard the words. I wasn’t surprised based on the weeks leading up to that day. We are three girls in our family. We rally when we need to. Doctors’ appointments followed by waiting. Then the diagnosis. Our baby sister then 34, was starting…
i am…… being vulnerable and loving with our whole hearts
According to dictionary.com: vulnerable: an adjective – capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon: a vulnerable part of the body. open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc. Do you consider yourself vulnerable? Do you ever watch, read, or hear something that REALLY resonates with…
Drawing Them Out: Faces Reveal Artist’s Growth
As 2018 unfolds, I’ve been reflecting on my creative journey. What began as art discovery (a form of therapy, if you will) during a difficult time in my life – personally and professionally – has developed into a way of living that is as necessary to me as breathing and…