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In my Ears: My Favorite Podcasts of 2020

I was recently asked if I’d share my favorite podcasts.. Absolutely! As a self-described ‘visual/kinesthetic learner,’ I was shocked to discover how much I enjoy listening to podcasts (in very specific conditions, as you’ll read below)…. 😉

Most are business related – marketing, social media, writing, art, tech how-to ~ then I listen to a few on finances and self-care. I invite you to grab an earful and see if you find a few favorites…

Here you go… (in no particular order)

  1. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield (online biz/marketing) YESSSSS!!!!!!
  2. The Goal Digger Podcast with Jenna Kutcher (online biz/marketing/tech) This gal is both scrappy & techy… Thank You Very Much!!
  3. The Jasmine Star Show (business/social media strategies) (my current favorite!!!)
  4. Unlocking Us with Brené Brown (self help/self care)
  5. The Marie Forleo Podcast (small biz/occasionally PG-13… lol) – check out Marie TV on YouTube!
  6. Business Unusual with Barbara Corcoran (business and finance from The B. Corcoran) – this is straight-up in-your-face… and oh-so-good!!! PG-13
  7. Don’t Keep Your Day Job with Cathy Heller (one of my favorites in late 2019/early 2020… motivational direction toward living your life purpose)
  8. The Christy Wright Show, (small biz ownership with a spiritual focus) (I recommend her book, Business Boutique… bought it on Kindle, then a print copy, then two copies for friends…)
  9. Copy Chief Radio (the business of writing)
  10. Creatives Get Real with Roben-Marie Smith and Sandi Keene (art/creating & creative business ownership)
  11. The Left Brain Artist with Suzanne Redmond (art/business – lovely interviews with artists worldwide)
  12. The Dave Ramsey Show (money 101 with a swift kick in the pants!) highly recommend
  13. Gary Vee (business, motivation, kick in the pants from a guy who holds NOTHING back…) R-rated
  14. Freedom Sisters Podcast with beautiful human, Keri Jeter (woman veterans’ stories.. motivation/self-care) – I was honored to be interviewed for this wonderful podcast in October 2020

So there you go…. I find my listening habits change as my focus on learning changes and I migrate from some to others, but always loop back around to see what everyone is up to. As I shared recently on Instagram, my daily commute was my coveted podcast listening time, but that all changed in an instant when COVID sent us home to work. It took six months or more for me to figure out how to get back to listening….

I missed my “earful of learning” (how do you spell earful? ear full? is it even a thing???) so much that I’d drive around just to listen to my mentors… sigh…

Then it happened: I realized I could listen in the shower! With a bluetooth shower speaker and my phone safely out of water’s way, I’m back in business … or … business school! 🙂

How do you like to learn?

p.s. ~ Are you thinking about Marie Forleo’s B-School or Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy? I completed both in 2020 and can’t wait to share my top things to consider before diving in. Blog posts coming soon.

p.s.s. ~ Love to read? As an end-of-year journal entry, I did a quick check and discovered I purchased 30+ books in 2020… mostly Kindle (interesting trend for me), a few were print copies of already-read Kindle versions that I loved so much I had to have them (and yes, write in the margins) or gift a friend, and a couple were brand new titles for me (I see you Mr. Dave Hollis and your honest book, Get Out of Your Own Way). Book list coming soon!

Wishing you creative curiosity and soul-smiling messiness,

signature "Robin"

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