When Death Comes Calling
You think you’ll know how you’ll feel when a parent dies. You can assume or make guesses based on your relationship. But really, that’s you convincing yourself you’ve got it under control. Turns out, that headspace control? It’s a farce… a lie you’re telling yourself to get through your days.…
Bit by Bit: Creative Elements and Life
It’s been a while since I cobbled words into a blog post. Nine months give or take. Where does the time go? To be sure, I’ve been writing plenty since then – filling writing notebooks before sunrise, building words into my art, and making notes in the margins as I…
Longing …. {Six Word Wednesday}
Abandoned, she longs to be found…. #amwriting What’s your story in six today? Share with us in Comments or over on FB… 🙂 Art + Writing = Creative by Discovery! Find us on Facebook: RobinLK Studios