Overcoming Maybe
“Maybe.” It’s such a loaded word, isn’t it? Both promise and defeat. Overcoming “Maybe” and understanding failing sounds crazy, but it is SO powerful that I took an entire afternoon to write this blog post. “Maybe” holds us back. “Maybe” is damn difficult to overcome. “Maybe” threatens to derail us.…
Show Up & Write: Why it Matters
Showing Up or Going Through the Motions? What happens when you show up & write? Does it matter? Is it weird? Does it make a difference? Is it time-consuming? Do others know you have nothing to say? (Tip: you have more to say than you realize.) Is it NECESSARY??? Recently,…
Writing is an Act of Discovery
“Writing is an act of discovery.” – Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones 18 Things I Discovered about Business and Writing in 2022 Our final Wednesday Writing Group session of 2022 contained a simple prompt: What did you discover this year… about yourself or anything else? After a brief pause,…